The Effect of LDPE Presence in Grain Boundaries on HDPE/CNT Nanocomposite with Segregate Structure on Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Properties

Document Type : Original Articles


1 Department of material science and engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.

2 Department of material science and engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.


Conductive polymer matrix nanocomposites are suitable choice as a conductive material. in conductive polymer composites with segregated structure, percolation threshold is lower than random composites by the reason of particles location. In these composites particles are only located at polymers matrix particles interface instead of being distributed randomly throughout the system. in this study, a HDPE/CNT nanocomposites with segregated structure were fabricated by dry mixing method in order to achieve significant conductivity in low weight conductive phase percentages. due to Improve mechanical properties, the second polymer phase, which has a lower molecular weight than first polymer, was added to composites structure. SEM images confirms the presence of CNTs at polymer granules boundaries. The conductivity in one weight percent of CNT phase for composite without second polymer phase was reported as 1.0491 S/m and in composite with second polymer phase was 0.4518 S/m. Tensile test results also show improved mechanical properties in L-2CNT composite compared to H-2CNT.


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