The effect of heat treatment of nickel-aluminum bronze alloy on the interaction of the cathodic surface and its corrosion behavior in 3.5% NaCl solution is studied. The alloy was studied under different industrially recommended heat treatments, including quenching, normalizing and aging heat treatments. The microstructure of the specimens was studied by optical microscopy. Polarization tests proved that with increasing immersion time, and the formation of the protective layer, helps extend the oxygen-diffusion controlled cathodic reactions and also increase corrosion resistance. Polarization curves showed that the anodic polarization behavior is almost the same for all samples, which suggests that activation is controlled by the heat treatment of the samples. The different behavior under the influence of cathodic polarization proves that the alloy also reflects the increase or decrease in the level of corrosion resistance.
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abbasian, A. , davoodi, A. and koroji, B. (2018). Effect of Heat Treatment on the Electrochemical Behavior of Nickel Aluminum Bronze Alloy (C95500. Journal Of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 29(2), 29-40. doi: 10.22067/ma.v0i29.45223
abbasian, A. , , davoodi, A. , and koroji, B. . "Effect of Heat Treatment on the Electrochemical Behavior of Nickel Aluminum Bronze Alloy (C95500", Journal Of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 29, 2, 2018, 29-40. doi: 10.22067/ma.v0i29.45223
abbasian, A., davoodi, A., koroji, B. (2018). 'Effect of Heat Treatment on the Electrochemical Behavior of Nickel Aluminum Bronze Alloy (C95500', Journal Of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 29(2), pp. 29-40. doi: 10.22067/ma.v0i29.45223
A. abbasian , A. davoodi and B. koroji, "Effect of Heat Treatment on the Electrochemical Behavior of Nickel Aluminum Bronze Alloy (C95500," Journal Of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 29 2 (2018): 29-40, doi: 10.22067/ma.v0i29.45223
abbasian, A., davoodi, A., koroji, B. Effect of Heat Treatment on the Electrochemical Behavior of Nickel Aluminum Bronze Alloy (C95500. Journal Of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 2018; 29(2): 29-40. doi: 10.22067/ma.v0i29.45223
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