The mechanical properties of weld were studied by the use microhardness testing and tensile shear testing. These days to reduce vehicle weight use from advanced high strength steels. The most important method for joining this sheets is resistance spot welding (RSW). The welding current and the welding time are the most important parameters of welding. In this research, similar welds of martensitic advanced high strength steels have been studied which they had joined with RSW. Results are showing, the critical current is 9.5KA and in this current the failure mode is changing from interface mode to periphery mode. The most failure force occurs in 10.5KA and this force is about 26.5KN.
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Tadayonsaidi, M. and ghorbanian, B. (2020). Investigation Of Spot Welding In Similar Joins Of Martensitic Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS). Journal Of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 31(2), 69-80. doi: 10.22067/ma.v31i1.68608
Tadayonsaidi, M. , and ghorbanian, B. . "Investigation Of Spot Welding In Similar Joins Of Martensitic Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS)", Journal Of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 31, 2, 2020, 69-80. doi: 10.22067/ma.v31i1.68608
Tadayonsaidi, M., ghorbanian, B. (2020). 'Investigation Of Spot Welding In Similar Joins Of Martensitic Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS)', Journal Of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 31(2), pp. 69-80. doi: 10.22067/ma.v31i1.68608
M. Tadayonsaidi and B. ghorbanian, "Investigation Of Spot Welding In Similar Joins Of Martensitic Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS)," Journal Of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 31 2 (2020): 69-80, doi: 10.22067/ma.v31i1.68608
Tadayonsaidi, M., ghorbanian, B. Investigation Of Spot Welding In Similar Joins Of Martensitic Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS). Journal Of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 2020; 31(2): 69-80. doi: 10.22067/ma.v31i1.68608
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