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Faeghinia, A. and Mardi, H. (2022). Effects of Carbonates, Carbon, Chromium Oxide and SiC Compositions On Steel Slag Sintering. Journal Of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 33(2), 13-24. doi: 10.22067/jmme.2022.73743.1033
Faeghinia, A. , and Mardi, H. . "Effects of Carbonates, Carbon, Chromium Oxide and SiC Compositions On Steel Slag Sintering", Journal Of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 33, 2, 2022, 13-24. doi: 10.22067/jmme.2022.73743.1033
Faeghinia, A., Mardi, H. (2022). 'Effects of Carbonates, Carbon, Chromium Oxide and SiC Compositions On Steel Slag Sintering', Journal Of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 33(2), pp. 13-24. doi: 10.22067/jmme.2022.73743.1033
A. Faeghinia and H. Mardi, "Effects of Carbonates, Carbon, Chromium Oxide and SiC Compositions On Steel Slag Sintering," Journal Of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 33 2 (2022): 13-24, doi: 10.22067/jmme.2022.73743.1033
Faeghinia, A., Mardi, H. Effects of Carbonates, Carbon, Chromium Oxide and SiC Compositions On Steel Slag Sintering. Journal Of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 2022; 33(2): 13-24. doi: 10.22067/jmme.2022.73743.1033
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